Welcome to XBdiagnostic’s documentation!

‘XBdiagnostic’ is the project within the ‘openearth’ environment where diagnostic tests are created for the process-based model of XBeach. The tests run beside of the current skillbed and are more focussed on testing specific modules of the code rather then the performance of the entire model. Herefore the setup of the models is simple and only the relevant processes to test the module are turned on. The idea is that by testing specific processes and functionalities of the code, more insight is created whether they still perform as intended. Also bugs should be easier to find because of a structured development of the tests.

The idea of this online manual is to outline the setup of the framework for the diagnostic tests, the approaches for the different diagnostic tests and to make the scripts more understandable. The source code of the scripts can be found at https://github.com/openearth/xbeach-test-python.


The project is initially developed by Tim Leijnse at Deltares as part of an internship regarding ‘Developing diagnostic tests for XBeach’ (insert link to TUD repository).

The project is currently maintained by Bas Hoonhout at Deltares.

Indices and tables